Stars is a game about missing the night sky with a twist. Inspired by the PMD quizzes and all the personality tests I've taken over the years.  

Space photographs from NASA 

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
Made withTwine


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This is an interesting game, I love the atmosphere and the illustrations!

The styling of this game is really cute and memorable! I like that I became aware that I wasn't exactly human over the course of the game.

Really interesting presentation of the game! I like the pixelated text and the art. The writing in this is beautiful and the game is very immersive because of that combined with the visuals which all pulls me in. My only critique is maybe it could have a slower introduction to the game but otherwise fun to play!

I really enjoyed the visuals and the effort you put into making the text pixelated. It really helps set the atmosphere of the game. I also like how the way a lot of the story is written, it has a lot of thought provoking imagery in here. 

I played several different endings and didn't find any bugs.

The text fonts are cool and the pictures are very beautiful. The overall style of the game is very suitable for describing a story about the starry sky.
The rules are very simple and easy to understand, players only need to keep choosing different texts to reach the end.
The theme revolves around the stars and starry sky, with beautiful writing narration. The picture has its own style, it is scary and beautiful at the same time, just like the fascinating unknown universe.
I think the pictures and the beautiful narration are the most attractive parts of this game. There is not much to say about the game program itself, but I think it’s a great idea to include a gallery at footer.

This was very interesting to play! I was kind of confused when I first played it, because I didn't know what I was supposed to do, or who was supposed to be talking to me. But when I read the description,  it started making more sense. :)

I like the concept, and I think you executed it well! Once I found out what the game's purpose was, I went and did the other routes to see what other characters there were. It was cool!

Maybe you could introduce the player to the game in the beginning, instead of just jumping right to the point? I feel like that would make things a bit clearer for those who are playing for the first time.

Really interesting use of imagery and language, they make it feel very immersive and bring the theme to life. The addition of humor adds a balance to the surreal atmosphere and keeps it fun. I played multiple times just see different results. I like the idea of the gallery, but I think only having it available after the player gets their result would be better so it doesn't spoil the outcomes. Great game!

hella beautiful writing

I'm really interested in this concept of a surreal conversation and the different paths that you have created. I think it would be helpful to develop this conversation more with the conversation style because I think that it is a very interesting format for the player's engagement. Good work!

I can't wait to see the many paths this can take. I like the idea (if Im interpreting things right) that our choices make us who we are, from mundane mortals to cosmic "monsters". Starting from a position of kinship with the being in the starts is a good way to avoid cliches and simple moral arguments, in my opinion. Is the plan to eventually move us into specific circumstances, or continue this as a conversation (that has implications of embodiment)? Both could work! This is exciting :)